Near Neighbours on TV

The work of Near Neighbours in Birmingham and Leicester was featured on ITV Central News on Wednesday 1st February. The clip features projects funded by the Near Neighbours small grants progranmme and an interview with the Right Revd David Urquhart the Bishop of Birmingham.
The clip has now been posted on youtube and you can watch it by following this link: Near Neighbours Video
Near Neighbours, The Feast and the Faithful Neighbourhoods Cetnre also featured on the Nikki Tapper show this week when Jessica Foster and Jenny Creasey of the Feast were interviewed on the WM Gospel Lounge. The interview starts at 16 minutes into the show which you can listen to by following this link to the Gospel Lounge.
The Bishop of Birmingham has been working hard to promote Near Neighbours. He also gave the work we do in the community a good plug in his monthy Bulletin that is sent to clergy and other church workers in the Diocese of Birmingham. You can read his article by following the link to the Bulletin here.